Saturday, May 03, 2008

The IPL so far

Each team in the IPL has now played five matches. I thought I'd have a look at the points table. Really the only reason I'm doing this is because I end up looking prescient, and if I let it go too long the results might start turning against me.

Near the end of this post, I came up with some half-baked ratings on how clever each team's bidding was. Contrary to just about everyone else, Jaipur (ie, Rajasthan) came out best. I didn't even really believe it myself, so I don't want you to go back and read the paragraph afterwards in that post. Just pay attention to the numbers.

Q gave his auction ratings here, while Arjwiz gave his here.

Actual Me Q Arjwiz
1. Delhi Rajasthan =Delhi Bangalore
2. Chennai Chennai =Kolkata =Delhi
3. Rajasthan Delhi Deccan =Kolkata
4. Punjab Deccan =Chennai =Deccan
5. Kolkata Bangalore =Punjab Chennai
6. Deccan Kolkata Mumbai Punjab
7. Mumbai Punjab Bangalore Mumbai
8. Bangalore Mumbai Rajasthan Rajasthan

I've got the top three! Albeit in the wrong order, because of net run rate. In terms of Pearson's rho (-1: perfectly wrong, 1: perfectly right), I'm at 0.62, Q's at 0.34, and Arjwiz is -0.27.

Lol nice post, David. Looking forward to ending up at the top of that table at the end of the tournament! :)
Great comparison DB. I'd also like to see this at the end of the tournament. Rajhastan have surprised all!

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